Course curriculum

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    Welcome to the course!

    • How to use this course

    • Pre-assessment questionnaire

    • Personal Learning Style Inventory

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    Course library

    • ADR Center Accreditation Program for Mediators

    • ADR Center training manual for mediators

    • ADR Center recommended reading

    • Agenda ADR Center Accredited Mediation Training

    • Schedule of assignments - Caribbean Aug 2020 v2 200830

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    Day #1 [August 24th 2020] Welcome and introduction

    • [Day 1 / Zoom meeting] Basic and Advanced Mediation Training [ADR Center] Aug-Sep 2020

    • The Rare Table Exercise

    • Training slides ADR Center AMT Day 1

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    Day #2 [August 27th 2020] Mediation fundamentals

    • [Day 2 / Zoom meeting] Basic and Advanced Mediation Training [ADR Center] Aug-Sep 2020

    • Demonstration of mediation principles and stages (video of a simulated mediation process)


    • Training slides ADR Center AMT Day 2.pdf

    • Mediation fundamentals quiz

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    Day #3 [August 31st 2020] Distributive negotiation

    • [Day 3 / Zoom meeting] Basic and Advanced Mediation Training [ADR Center] Aug-Sep 2020

    • Training slides ADR Center AMT Day 3

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    Day #4 [September 3rd 2020] Interest based negotiation

    • [Day 4 / Zoom meeting] Basic and Advanced Mediation Training [ADR Center] Aug-Sep 2020

    • Training slides ADR Center AMT Day 4.pdf

    • Session video recording: Day 4 BMT Caribbean Aug-Sep 2020

    • Negotiation quiz

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    Day #5 [September 7th 2020] Stage 1: Preparation

    • [Day 5 / Zoom meeting] Basic and Advanced Mediation Training [ADR Center] Aug-Sep 2020

    • RP1 Neighbours in action - General information

    • Training slides ADR Center AMT Day 5.pdf

    • [ADR Center Global Template] Request-for-Preliminay-Mediation-Session

    • Session video recording: Day 5 BMT Caribbean Aug-Sep 2020

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    Day #6 [September 10th 2020] Stage 2: First joint session

    • [Day 6 / Zoom meeting] Basic and Advanced Mediation Training [ADR Center] Aug-Sep 2020

    • RP2 Flying High - General Information

    • Session video recording: Day 6 BMT Caribbean Aug-Sep 2020

    • Training slides ADR Center AMT Day 6

    • Mediator's opening statement

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    Day #7 [September 14th 2020] Stage 3: Private sessions

    • [Day 7 / Zoom meeting] Basic and Advanced Mediation Training [ADR Center] Aug-Sep 2020

    • RP3 Monis-Construction - General Information

    • Session video recording: Day 7 BMT Caribbean Aug-Sep 2020

    • Training slides ADR Center AMT Day 7

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    Day #8 [September 17th 2020] Stage 4: Closing session

    • [Day 8 / Zoom meeting] Basic and Advanced Mediation Training [ADR Center] Aug-Sep 2020

    • RP4 Family inheritance - General Information

    • Mediation process stages quiz

    • Session video recording: Day 8 BMT Caribbean Aug-Sep 2020

    • Training slides ADR Center AMT Day 8.pdf

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    Day #9 [September 21st 2020] Advanced mediation techniques

    • [Day 9 / Zoom meeting] Basic and Advanced Mediation Training [ADR Center] Aug-Sep 2020

    • RP5 Workplace harassment - General Information

    • Session video recording: Day 9 BMT Caribbean Aug-Sep 2020

    • Training slides ADR Center AMT Day 9

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    Day #10 [September 24th 2020] Mediation ethics

    • [Day 10 / Zoom meeting] Basic and Advanced Mediation Training [ADR Center] Aug-Sep 2020

    • RP6 Antoine The Mule - General Information

    • ADR Center Global CaseStudy MOUNTANIA (Needed for the Final Assignment: Mediation Intervention Plan)


    • Quiz #4 - Mediation Ethics

    • Training slides ADR Center AMT Day 10

    • Session video recording: Day 10 BMT Caribbean Aug-Sep 2020

    • Course feedback from participants