Course curriculum
Welcome to the 7th RWFP Training
How to use this platform
Welcome from the Director General
Explaining the role of the IOM Ombudsperson
Course library
Training Timeline
Workshop Agenda
RWFP Training Pre Knowledge Assessment
Download the PDF version of the RWFP Training Manual
RWFP Intro Video
Culture (Tab 1)
The role of the RWFP (Tab 2)
Understanding Conflict at Work (Tab 3 - Part 1)
The Interest-based Model (Tab 3 - Part 2)
Building an Ethical and Respectful Workplace Environment (Tab 4)
Difficult Communication (Tab 5)
The Helping Relationship Model (Tab 6)
Formal and Informal Conflict Resolution Systems (Tab 7)
Pre-training - Individual Work (OFFLINE)
Reflection on Culture (Tab 1)
Reflection on the RWFP Role (Tab 2)
Reflection on Understanding Conflict (Tab 3 - Part 1)
Reflection on the Interest-based Model (Tab 3 - Part 2)
Reflection on Building an Ethical and Respectful Workplace Environment (Tab 4)
Reflection on Difficult Communication (Tab 5)
Reflection on the Helping Relationship Model (Tab 6)
Reflection on Formal and Informal Conflict Resolution Systems (Tab 7)
My own conflict
Individual work before training day #1 (OFFLINE)
Icebreaker - Introduction bingo
Day One - 16 November at 13:00-17:00 CET (Geneva time)
Day one [IOM/OOM] Respectful Workplace Focal Point training
Quiz Culture (Tab 1)
We don't have time
RWFP Consultation - "Mali and John"
Workshop Presentation - Day 1
Individual work before training day #2 (OFFLINE)
Tab 1 - Culture QUIZ
Day Two - 18 November at 13:00-17:00 CET (Geneva time)
Day two [IOM/OOM] Respectful Workplace Focal Point training
Workshop Presentation - Day 2
Individual work before training day #3 (OFFLINE)
Two page conflict analysis
Tab 3 - Understanding conflict QUIZ
Day Three - 23 November at 13:00-17:00 CET (Geneva time)
Day three [IOM/OOM] Respectful Workplace Focal Point training
Bullying and Harassment in Construction It's Personal
Individual work before training day #4 (OFFLINE)
Tab 4 QUIZ - Ethics/harassment
Tab 3 Survey - Communication
Day Four - 25 November at 13:00-17:00 CET (Geneva time)
Day four [IOM/OOM] Respectful Workplace Focal Point training
Day Five - 26 November at 13:00-17:00 CET (Geneva time)
Day five [IOM/OOM] Respectful Workplace Focal Point training
Other resources and materials
OOM-RWFP Flowchart
Reading List
Consultation Process
Next steps
RWFP Training Post Knowledge Assessment
Staff Development and Learning (SDL) Final course evaluation
Oath of Confidentiality
IOM Ombudsperson
Rogelio BERNAL
IOM/OOM Mediator
Support officer
Rasmus Andre
CEO and Senior Trainer
Leonardo D'Urso
He is an ADR policy advisor for Governments and has been a team leader and senior expert in several international projects in countries like Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Barbados, Jamaica, Jordan, India, Moldova, Oman, Tunisia, Turkey, Pakistan, Serbia and most of Europen Union Member States.
Author of several publications on negotiation and mediation, he is the co-organizer of the Italian editions of the workshop “Negotiation for Executives” of the Program on Negotiation (PON Global) at Harvard Law School.
Senior Trainer
Constantin-Adi Gavrila
He is also an active mediator in the development space, working with the Office of the Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman (CAO) and Independent Project Accountability Mechanism, the IFC/MIGA (World Bank) and EBRD accountability mechanisms, to facilitate dialogue processes between the bank clients and communities concerned about the environmental and social impacts of bank financed projects.
Adi is the first president of the Romanian Mediation Centers Union and served as Co-Chair of the Independent Standards Commission convened by the International Mediation Institute (IMI). He is a Ph.D in constitutional law with emphasis on "Mediation and Access to Justice".