Course curriculum

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    • How to use this course

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    Workshop library

    • Italian model explained by Leonardo D'Urso

    • The Italian Mediation Law

    • Rachele Gabellini article about the Italian mediation law reform (ADR Bulletin)

    • CEPEJ Mediation Development Toolkit

    • Article Italy’s ‘Required Initial Mediation Session’: Bridging The Gap between Mandatory and Voluntary Mediation

    • EU Study A Ten-Year-Long “EU Mediation Paradox” When an EU Directive Needs To Be More …Directive

    • Comparative Study of the legal and institutional frameworks and best practices on commercial mediation with recommendations for the Republic of Serbia (IDLO/EBRD/Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg Government Report)

    • Promoting Cross-Border Mediation in resolving civil and commercial disputes in Western Balkans (RCC Report))

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    Presentation slides

    • ADR Center - Slides for Bosnia workshop

    • ADR Center - Slides for Bosnia workshop Bosnian.pdf

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    • Participant feedback form